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Pool Conversion Factors

All pools in the NWSC are not the same length. To calculate an official time use the following equation:

Official Time = Stop Watch Time X Adjustment Factor

Pool Pool Length in Feet Adjustment Factor Number of Lanes
Anderson Mill 75.06 0.999 6
Balcones Country Club 82.38 0.910 4
Block House Creek n/a n/a n/a
Brushy Creek 75.00 1.000 8
Milburn Pool Cedar Park 82.08 0.914 8
Forest North
(see Cedar Park)
n/a n/a n/a
Georgetown 75.00 1.000 6
Rattan Creek 82.19 0.913 8
Pflugerville 82.93 0.904 8
Round Rock 75.00 1.000 8
Steiner Ranch 75.00 1.000 8
Wells Branch 75.08 0.999 6
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