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Sign up for Alerts

We use a combination of Swimtopia (email and mobile app) and Facebook to share information.

Email is our main form of team communication. Please make sure that you provide us with a good email address and that you check your email on a regular basis.

Be sure to download the Swimtopia App on your mobile device so you can receive alerts for changes to team events, e.g. meets, practices. 

You can also see your swimmer's times on the Swimtopia App.

You do not need to purchase the app. You need only the free version for our purposes. 

Download the Swimtopia App

Apple Store Google Play

Like us on Facebook

If you're a Facebook user, you can also Like our Facebook page. We post general, public announcements only on Facebook. We do not post team communications on Facebook that are accessible only by logging into your SwimTopia account. 

Important past communications are also posted here (which requires you to log into your SwimTopia account) so you can stay up-to-date:

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